Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The helping hand strikes again...

Well, Noah has really started to have a slight obsession with trains and cars. At Christmas, Noah got part of his Uncle Stephen's BRIO train set. (on loan of course) We (meaning Chris or I) usually put together a simple track so that he can push the train cars around the track and up and down the hill. He has been getting very frustrated when he tries to put the track together by himself, so of course, being the sucker that I am, I have been coming to the rescue. Well, today I was busy folding clothes while Noah was playing in his room. I heard him get a little frustrated, but instead of coming to the rescue, I told him to keep working on it and be patient. (like a 1.5 year old understands what it means to be patient...) Well, the fussing stopped, and I went into his bedroom about 10 minutes later. This is what I found. Let me just tell tracks don't come even close to being as good as this one! I was so impressed. Let me just say, I will not be suckered into building a track because it is "too hard" again.


Anonymous said...

That is awesome! Good job Noah! It is amazing what these kids can do if they stop grunting and fussing about it!

I love the pictures!

Chrissy :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, my goodness! What a little engineer--it is in the genes! Love it!


The Davidsons said...

You crack me up! You should do the alphabet challenge, you know I (and your other blog stalkers) would LOVE it! Hope y'all are doing well. We miss y'all too!
